A hiking into the forest within.

I was walking in a forest.

This forest somehow became the Alfred Kelly, a forest that I already knew but somehow I was feeling the precence of something on my back. Like an entity. 

You appeared there but you was taking pictures with the macro lens of your phone and walking with someone. I was trying to talk to you but I couldn't have voice... So you wasn't listening. Barbie was there and she could see me but when I wanted to touch her I was like transparent. I couldn't touch her. 

I saw my hands transparent but having this diamond reflection (like the 3D software) with the trees in the background. 

Suddenly I feel a big pain in my chest, coming from my back. 

I heard the voice of the nurse behind me saying "it's normal, these things accumulate over time and suck the light out of you."

Another pain. The nurse was working at my back trying to fix something with small tweezers. Taking out of me rotten pieces of meat, trying to separate a metal-organic chain đź”— that was attached. 

So I saw myself in the forest, alone this time (like the photos I published on Facebook?) but I was having this big shadowish-smokeish chain attached to my back (like the monster of Loki). It was penetrating from my back to my chest. 

Baje la mirada para ver si sangraba o algo, y salian gotitas de luz, que me embarraba en las manos. 

ObservĂ© mis manos como lo hice en el bosque y vi como la sangre me quitaba lo transparente, pero esta vez el fondo habĂ­a cambiado por un hotel. Era el hotel de St-Sauveur de nuestra boda. Estaba en un pasillo y no podĂ­a ni caminar ni hacer nada. Yo sentĂ­ quĂ© estabas ahĂ­, con alguien. 

CerrĂ© mis ojos. Todo era negro y solo escuchaba tus gemidos. 

Yo querĂ­a salir pero estaba dentro de una casa de campaña, estaba atorado el cierre y no podĂ­a ver nada. Esa casa de campaña eran como mis párpados quĂ© estaban cerrados y yo intentaba abrirla por dentro. 

Imaginaba como te tocabas y que estabas a punto de venir mientras lo hacĂ­as con alguien y yo desesperado queriendo abrir la casa-de-campaña-párpados para ver, pero en tu orgasmo pude abrir el cierre finalmente. 

Mis párpados se abrían lentamente como no queriendo ver... y desperté.

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