I want us to be together

From here

I want us to be together

The faraway wind is blowing over my face my hand my hair my heart my eyes
You are staying faraway in that city that street that room that light that window
The CD you gave me is quietly playing in the background
But the music no longer makes my breath away

I remember the way you hold me with your eyes closed and wear me as your smilng mask
I don't know how to laugh at you cry at you ignore you feeling like I'm a robot
In your world in my days we've never been upset with each other
It all went by too fast and now it's too late

Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo : )
Tell me tell me should we stay together?
Life is so effortless in those tender moments
I can't take my eyes off you, I only want to be with you


Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo Aiyo : )
I said I said I want us to be together
Loving you is so easy in those tender moments
I can't take my eyes off you, I only want to be with you

But now I can only sing to you from faraway


When the sound goes down - Lyrics

When the sound goes down

When the sound goes down,
And the stair just bond
With the floor behind 
There is no one blond. 

The honesty of your words 
The sincerity of your wings
The sympathy of the sound
And the stairs behind. 

Nothing to say
That is not decode
Just all the smell
That comes with love.



Room 172

From this room I'm missing you.

This is the only view of the world I have right now.

It's raining out there, the drops just fall to disappear.

I wish to be a drop of water falling on you face,

when you look up at the sky, in a night like this one,

when im missing you, and this is the only view I have of the world

while the time pass.

I don't want to sleep because I want to keep thinking about you.

but my eyes are heavy like my dreams,

and my dreams have wet wings.

They want to fly and disappear while the time pass...in my dreams.

If you arrive until read this. This video is more intended to be listen. The images should only support  the text and the music, the voice. Experimenting if have sense in this visual world.


Receta para hacer Chilli estilo Paprika

Receta para hacer Chilli estilo Paprika.

Este video esta hecho en vertical en mi teléfono para no olvidar como se hace.


1 lata de Jitomate

1-2 tazas de frijoles

1 Tofu finamente picado



1 cucharada de sal

1 cucharada de pimienta

1 Cebolla picada

1 cucharada de the de curry

1 cucharada de Paprika ahumada

1 cucharada de tomillo

3 cucharadas de chile piquín

2 cucharada sopera de liquido sabor ahumado

Mezclamos todo y lo metemos a la cacerola de cocinado lento a temperatura alta y a esperar unas seis horas. Una vez las seis horas. A disfrutar !!!


午前3時と退屈 (Gozen Sanji to Taikutsu) (3am & Bored)

午前3時と退屈 -- (Gozen Sanji to Taikutsu) (3am & Bored)

『海を見ている』--- "Watching the Sea"

【収録曲】-- 【recorded music】
1.海を見ている -- 1. I am looking at the sea
2.黴 -- 2. Mold
3.私の隣 -- 3. Next to me

午前3時と退屈 (Gozen Sanji to Taikutsu) (3am & Bored)

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKqGPRC3lcwAQjwx2Fmz3_Q
Twitter - https://twitter.com/am3andtikt
Official Site - https://am3andtikt1.jimdo.com/

Watching the Sea - English Lyrics

1. Watching the sea

It doesn't matter
I just want you to nod
I want you to stay at a distance
And know the literature that I don't like
I want you to do nothing; stay asleep without speaking
As if you've gone crazy

Our relationship has always been
Complicated, hasn't it?
We've thought hateful things
Faced giving up
And prayed

Calm Blue and a small castle
The only thing I can't forgive
Is the boredom

The moisture I gathered changed shaped and as if wrapping me up
You are looking at the sea inside me.


Do you know anything worse than death?
I didn't know anything so I said
I don't think there's anything in the world scarier than dying.

Who does a dead person's body belong to?
Your eyes were watery, but your heart was dry.
It doesn't belong to them anymore, but it belongs to someone who wants to live.

If that's what you say, then, if I were to die right here, would I become a hero?

Mould is growing on your arm
Your toe remains rotten
If I fall asleep my dream will die
I'm sure I'll return to this house

Is there a life that can be saved?
It's wrong of me to ask this question.
I mean, even though you were definitely talking in front of me,
laughing crudely, you're gone now.
I wanted you to tell me everything about yourself
That's a lie. I actually knew everything.
Your skin masks the scar on your heart.

Things I think about when I smile
A difficult last night and a breakfast
When I got scared and cried, I organized everything
I will somehow live through tomorrow.

I saw you neatly disappear
But as usual I'm still here
Finally, I touch the body you left behind
You were right about everything.

There doesn't need to be anything here.
There should be a thought like that here.

3. Beside Myself

Sitting in front of a mirror
I am (you are) breathing
As I'm about to laugh
I (you) burst out laughing too

Coming and going all over the place
Reason and individually have no meaning
When I close my eyes I suddenly realize
I'm (you're) not there

I wasn't (you weren't) the one who was loved
I am here, I exist here
Even if I run away, the battle continues
All the more reason why
I don't care if your image disappears

"Everything" is right next to you
If you can't find it, it's covered up
it's hiding in my shadow
In my shadow that spreads friendlisness
Let's turn on a lamp and have a meal
So we can make shadows in the late evening
We feel uneasy when we're buried in shadows
So when the lights turn off, let's close our eyes.

Doppelganger, the subject draws closer
It pulls me, and takes me away.

All lyrics translated by Miles Drayton.

Paprika Glitchs


Anxiety for the wars to come

Anxiety to be old
Anxious to get feed
Everybody is looking
Thru the glass

Everyone is dead inside
This house of glass
I can see them dancing
I can see them inside

Anxious to be alive
Anxious to come back


Wake up by cainKuri

Wake up by cainKuri

Wake up,
Thousand million light years
Traveling in the space
Oh wake up.
Common feel the warmness
When I'll kiss you
Wake up
Since you broke the silence
And we looooooove... To much
And we learn...  To feel
And we feel... to kill
And we kill... Our mother
There you go... With the dark
Wake me up
Well I miss you
There you go
In the space
My dear tarnigrade


Plasma Radiables YouTube Playlist

Enjoy this Plasma Radio YouTube Playlist

We recommend activate the shuttle (random) play. 

You can visit Plasma Radio website also at plasmaradio.blogspot.com


Chemicals by cainKuri (lyrics)

Chemicals by cainKuri

How did I get here?
A random reactions of chemicals
And random thoughts of sadness
Bleeding from the inside

In my heart I can live without...
But there's my name on this...
What I think I feel
What I feel I think...

This is the time

Oh, I was born long

Oh I was wondering where you come from
If I'm oblivion
Oh I was wondering
If I'm oblivion


Victor Kuppers: El trabajo del vendedor

El trabajo del vendedor tiene muy mala imagen.

Y tiene muy mala imagen porque la gran inmensa mayoría de personas que se dedican a vender, no lo han elegido, se han encontrado haciendo ventas. Por lo que es un trabajo que no les gusta, tampoco se preparan para él, no se forman, no estudian. Por eso hay muchos vendedores que son chusqueros (definición: alguien que asciende de rango pero sin haber estudiado) y por eso se tiene esa imagen que se tiene de los vendedores, porque se la merecen, porque la inmensa mayoría son unos chusqueros.

Pero luego hay esos profesionales de la venta que dignifican la profesión. Que saben que vender es ayudar a las personas. Vender no es tratar de colocar, de engañar, de posicionar productos. Vender es una cosa maravillosa cuando te centras en ayudar a tu cliente. Entonces éste tipo de personas es gente que se prepara, que tiene vocación, que transmite.

Un consejo de Victor sería tomarse el trabajo como una vocación, que te apasione. Como todo en la vida. Uno no puede jugar tenis bien si no te apasiona. Porque es un trabajo difícil, y encima de eso, uno no tiene reconocimiento; pero la manera de hacerlo más fácil es encontrar la manera que te guste lo que haces, que le encuentres la vocación, que te prepares, que estudies.

Los traumatólogos estudian, los pilotos de avión estudian, y los vendedores que no estudian, hace que se vuelvan unos chusqueros. Hay que estudiar, hay que prepararse. La venta es de profesionales. Y cuando tu te preparas y haces las cosas bien, y consigues la satisfacción del cliente, es muy gratificante. Y ese sentimiento solamente lo tienen los vendedores.

Ya en otro video que me he encontrado, Victor habla entre otras cosas el tema del producto y el precio.

Para negociar, Victor Küppers dice que a veces nos cerramos en el tema del producto y precio, es verdad que los productos que vendemos son exactamente igual a los de la competencia, pero no solamente un precio. Cuando la diferencia de precio es muy grande, definitivamente ahí no hay nada que hacer. Y cuando se pierde un cliente cuando la diferencia de precio es muy pequeña, es porque el vendedor no ha hecho bien su trabajo. Es porque el vendedor no ha enamorado, ha sido serio y profesional. Y es que estamos rodeados de personas serias y profesionales. Se necesitan vendedores que vengan de otro planeta. Y ésto es lo que diferencia a los grandísimos de los mediocres. A veces nos enfocamos en el precio, el precio, el precio. Y no es el precio.


20% de los canadienses no nacieron en Canada

En el 2011, un 20.6% de la población de Canada estaba conformada por personas que no nacieron en Canada.

Dado los niveles de inmigración desde ese año debemos estar llegando al 22%. Los datos del censo de 2016 empezarán a ser publicados a partir de febrero y ya veremos las cifras entonces.

La diversidad del pais, no obstante lo anterior, se concentra en las grandes ciudades de Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa y Halifax. La zona metropolitana de Toronto concentra el mayor numero de inmigrantes en el pais,

Lee toda la nota y los detalles en Canada en Espanol


How To Make Vegan Protein from Wheat Gluten, Seitan at home.

How To Make Vegan Protein from Wheat Gluten, Seitan at home.

Made with love by Paprika with the recipe of a Friend.

With Seitan we have done; Seitan in Fajitas (as you could do with chiken), Seitan Hamburguers, Seitan in Adobo, Seitan sliced and fried... and there is way too much others to discover.

We try this one and we liked a lot, after we started to create our different versions, some with less Soya Sauce (if not is too salty for our taste). So try it and let me know in the comments what do you think.


1/2 Cup of Soya Sauce
2 Cups of Gluten Flour / Farine de Gluten
1/3 Yeast Flakes / Levure Alimentaire
1 tbs Smoke Paprika / Paprika Fume
1 tbs Tomate Paste / Pâte de Tomates
1 tbs Olive Oil / Huile D'olive
1 tbs Onion Powder / Poudre D'oignon
1 tbs Lemon Pepper / Poivre de Citron


In a bowl Mix all the ingredients until you have a consistent textured ball. After you made all the balls, put them into boiling in a vegetable broth for about 30 min.

Seitan, Vegan, Protein, Wheat, Gluten, Fajitas, Hamburguers, Adobo, Ingredients, How to, Soya Sauce, Yeast Flakes, Smoke, Paprika, Tomate, Paste, Olive, Oil, Onion, Powder, Lemon, Pepper, Preparation


Wedding Film/Video in Montreal with Eva Films

Book Now Your Wedding Film in Montreal with Eva Films !
♥ Contact us ! ♥

EvaFilms.ca - http://www.evafilms.ca/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EvaFilmsMTL/
Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/evafilmsmtl
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/EvaFilmsMTL
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/Evafilms/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy8Qc2rv9seenSXEXAEWI6w

Eva, Wedding, Film, Marriage, Montreal, Video, Highlight, Couple, Love, Creative, Videographer, Videaste, Boda, Teaser, Trailer, Canada, Quebec, Production, Montage, Editing

About Eva Films

Eva Films is a Montreal based husband & wife team dedicated to capture wedding stories. We create wedding films, little time machines under 10 minutes that allow us to relive the emotions attached to the memories. We are also available to travel for Destination Weddings.

Do see the video as an investment - the flowers, the cake, the dress and so many other details you'll have spent so much time and money on are just for the day, but video lasts a lifetime.

Wedding Video Styles


Videographers who shoot in the journalistic style typically stay unobtrusively in the background during the day and do not interact greatly with a couple or their guests.


The Cinematic style of wedding video is filmed and edited more like a movie with a view to emphasizing the emotion and drama of the day. It may rely more on montages, music or special effects such as slow motion.

The camera work of a Cinematic wedding video may feature more movement - sometimes using camera stabilisation systems like a Steadicam - and colours and contrast may be enhanced during editing to give it a more film-like feel.

Videographers who shoot in the Cinematic style may interact significantly more on the day, sometimes setting up shots and directing the couple or guests in much the same way as the wedding photographer. Like the Journalistic style, Cinematic videos tend to last in the region of 60 to 90 minutes.

The truth is that there is a certain amount of overlap between Cinematic and Journalistic styles, and most videographers will use elements of each in one video.

Short Form / Highlight

An increasingly popular style of wedding video, this is a highly edited version of your wedding video which lasts between 15 and 50 minutes.


These videos are becoming less popular, and few videographers offer this service anymore. You can choose one of the other styles and ask your videographer if they would be happy to provide you with the raw footage. Some will, some will not, but you should expect to pay extra for it because it takes time to produce.


This is where the couple, the wedding party or even everyone attending the wedding mime to a favorite song. If you're looking to remember your day as it happened, this probably isn't the option to choose!


Video Specs for Facebook and Instagram Videos

For Facebook this is the official link
For Instagram this is the official link

For Instagram Video

Design Recommendations

  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1
  • Video: H.264 video compression, high profile preferred, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan
  • Format: .mp4 container ideally with leading mov atom, no edit lists
  • Audio: Stereo AAC audio compression, 128kbps + preferred
  • Caption: Text only, 125 characters recommended

Technical Requirements

  • Caption length text: 2,200 characters Max
  • Video aspect ratio: Landscape (1.91:1), Square (1:1), Vertical (4:5)
  • Minimum resolution: 600 x 315 pixels (1.91:1 landscape) / 600 x 600 pixels (1:1 square) / 600 x 750 pixels (4:5 vertical)
  • Minimum length: No minimum
  • Maximum length: 60 seconds
  • Supported video codecs: H.264, VP8
  • Supported audio codecs: AAC, Vorbis
  • Maximum size: 4GB
  • Frame rate: 30fps max
  • Bitrate: No limit to bitrate file if you're using two pass encoding, as long as your file doesn't exceed 1 GB. Otherwise, 8 megabits per second for 1080p and 4 megabits per second for 720p.
  • Thumbnail image ratio: Should match the aspect ratio of your video. Your image should include minimal text. See how the amount of text in your ad image will impact the reach of your ad.

For Facebook Video

Video Design Guidelines

Use these guidelines to design an ad that looks good everywhere it appears on Facebook. The recommended video and thumbnail image guidelines ensures your ad always looks high quality. The recommended text length is how many characters of ad copy could be displayed on smaller screens.
  • Text: 90 characters
  • Headline: 25 Characters
  • News Feed description: 30 characters
  • Aspect Ratios Supported: 16:9 (full landscape) to 9:16 (full portrait)
  • Mobile in feed: Videos will be rendered as is up to 2:3, with masking to 2:3 for aspect ratios between 2:3 to 9:16
  • Desktop in feed and desktop player: For desktop in feed, vertical video will continue to be letter-boxed to 1:1. For desktop player, vertical video will be 9:16 with no black bar letter-boxing
  • Recommended Aspect Ratio for Vertical Video: 9:16 (full portrait), ensuring core content falls in the 2:3 mask for mobile News Feed
  • Video: H.264 video compression, high profile preferred, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan
  • Format: .mp4 container ideally with leading moov atom, no edit lists
  • Audio: Stereo AAC audio compression, 128kbps + preferred

Technical Requirements

  • Caption length text: Text only, max 2,200 characters
  • Recommended Aspect Ratio: 1.77:1 / 16:9 / HDTV, 2:39:1 or 2:40:1 / Widescreen / 9:16, 1:1 / 1.33:1 / 4:3 / SDTV, 1.375:1 / film, 1.85:1 / Film, no pillar boxing or letter boxing
  • Length: 120 minutes max
  • Minimum resolution: minimum width 600 pixels, length dependent on video aspect ratio
  • File Size: Up to 4GB max
  • Frames: 30fps max
  • Bitrate: No limit to bitrate file if you're using two pass encoding, as long as long as your file doesn't exceed 1 GB. Otherwise, 8 megabits per second for 1080p and 4 megabits per second for 720p.


cainKuri - I promise you - Lyrics

The day has spoken
The light is silence
The silence is broken
You call me by my name...

You promise nothing
And nothing matters
But only water
Is running through our veins

-chorus 1-
And it's only you and I
Can change the way we are
I promise you
-chorus 2-
'Cause we ca DO so much more
'Cause we can BE so much more
I promise you...

Mama is crying
I think she is broken
I think she is bleeding
and no one seems to care... 

This is a song for earth and what she has to offer us everyday. 
And invitation to reflection of what we can do and what we can become. Reflection of our acts, reflection on the water. On our selfs.


Migala - Gurb Song - Lyrics and info

Migala - Gurb Song (Lyrics and info)

I wanted someone to enter my life like a bird that comes into a kitchen 
And starts breaking things and crashes with doors and windows 
Leaving chaos and destruction. 
This is why I accepted her kisses as someone who has been given a leaflet at the subway. 
I knew, don't ask me why or how, that we were gonna share even our toothpaste.
We got to know each other by caressing each other's scars.
Avoiding getting too close to know too much.
We wanted happiness to be like a virus that reaches every place in a sick body.
I turned my home into a water bed and her breasts into dark sand castles.
She gave me her metaphors, her bottles of gins and her North Africa stamp collection.
At night we would talk in dreams, back to back and we would always, always, agree.
The sheets were so much like our skin that we stopped going to work.
Love became a strong big man with us, terribly handy, a proper liar, with big eyes and red lips.
She made me feel brand new.
I watch her get fucked up, lose touch, we listened to Nick Drake in her tape recorder and she told me she was a writer.
I read her book in two and a half hours and cried all the way through as watching Bambi.

She told me that when I think she has loved me all she could, she was gonna love me a little bit more.
My ego and her cynicism got on really well and we would say "what would you do in case I die" or
"what if I had Aids?" or "don't you like the Smiths" or "let's shag now". We left our fingerprints all around
my room, breakfast was automatically made, and if it would come to bed in a trolley, no hands,
we did compete to see who would have the best orgasms, the nicer visions, the biggest hangovers.
And if she came pregnant we decided it would be God hand's fault.

The world was our oyster.
Life was life.

But then she had to go back to London, to see her boyfriend and her family and her best friends and her pet
called "Gus".
And without her I've been a mess. I've painted my nails black and got my hair cut.
I open my pictures collection and our past can be limitless and I know the process is to slice each
section of my story thinner and thinner until I'm left only with her, I've felt like shite all the time
no matter who I kiss or how charming I try to be with my new birds.
This is the point, isn't it? New birds that will project me along a wire from the underground into the air,
into the world.

Artist: Migala 
Album: Así Duele Un Verano (1998)


Dying Light - Time Lapse 02

Playing a bit with this game and doing some timelapses... It's incredible how the games are now. I'm amazed.


No one saves us but... No one can and no one may. We must walk the path....

No one saves us but ourselves.
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path.