Receta para hacer Chilli estilo Paprika

Receta para hacer Chilli estilo Paprika.

Este video esta hecho en vertical en mi teléfono para no olvidar como se hace.


1 lata de Jitomate

1-2 tazas de frijoles

1 Tofu finamente picado



1 cucharada de sal

1 cucharada de pimienta

1 Cebolla picada

1 cucharada de the de curry

1 cucharada de Paprika ahumada

1 cucharada de tomillo

3 cucharadas de chile piquín

2 cucharada sopera de liquido sabor ahumado

Mezclamos todo y lo metemos a la cacerola de cocinado lento a temperatura alta y a esperar unas seis horas. Una vez las seis horas. A disfrutar !!!


午前3時と退屈 (Gozen Sanji to Taikutsu) (3am & Bored)

午前3時と退屈 -- (Gozen Sanji to Taikutsu) (3am & Bored)

『海を見ている』--- "Watching the Sea"

【収録曲】-- 【recorded music】
1.海を見ている -- 1. I am looking at the sea
2.黴 -- 2. Mold
3.私の隣 -- 3. Next to me

午前3時と退屈 (Gozen Sanji to Taikutsu) (3am & Bored)

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKqGPRC3lcwAQjwx2Fmz3_Q
Twitter - https://twitter.com/am3andtikt
Official Site - https://am3andtikt1.jimdo.com/

Watching the Sea - English Lyrics

1. Watching the sea

It doesn't matter
I just want you to nod
I want you to stay at a distance
And know the literature that I don't like
I want you to do nothing; stay asleep without speaking
As if you've gone crazy

Our relationship has always been
Complicated, hasn't it?
We've thought hateful things
Faced giving up
And prayed

Calm Blue and a small castle
The only thing I can't forgive
Is the boredom

The moisture I gathered changed shaped and as if wrapping me up
You are looking at the sea inside me.


Do you know anything worse than death?
I didn't know anything so I said
I don't think there's anything in the world scarier than dying.

Who does a dead person's body belong to?
Your eyes were watery, but your heart was dry.
It doesn't belong to them anymore, but it belongs to someone who wants to live.

If that's what you say, then, if I were to die right here, would I become a hero?

Mould is growing on your arm
Your toe remains rotten
If I fall asleep my dream will die
I'm sure I'll return to this house

Is there a life that can be saved?
It's wrong of me to ask this question.
I mean, even though you were definitely talking in front of me,
laughing crudely, you're gone now.
I wanted you to tell me everything about yourself
That's a lie. I actually knew everything.
Your skin masks the scar on your heart.

Things I think about when I smile
A difficult last night and a breakfast
When I got scared and cried, I organized everything
I will somehow live through tomorrow.

I saw you neatly disappear
But as usual I'm still here
Finally, I touch the body you left behind
You were right about everything.

There doesn't need to be anything here.
There should be a thought like that here.

3. Beside Myself

Sitting in front of a mirror
I am (you are) breathing
As I'm about to laugh
I (you) burst out laughing too

Coming and going all over the place
Reason and individually have no meaning
When I close my eyes I suddenly realize
I'm (you're) not there

I wasn't (you weren't) the one who was loved
I am here, I exist here
Even if I run away, the battle continues
All the more reason why
I don't care if your image disappears

"Everything" is right next to you
If you can't find it, it's covered up
it's hiding in my shadow
In my shadow that spreads friendlisness
Let's turn on a lamp and have a meal
So we can make shadows in the late evening
We feel uneasy when we're buried in shadows
So when the lights turn off, let's close our eyes.

Doppelganger, the subject draws closer
It pulls me, and takes me away.

All lyrics translated by Miles Drayton.

Paprika Glitchs