Bliss, a perfect happiness

Estas son ideas para Eva Films.


Nuestro estilo es intrínseco a nuestra personalidad introvertida.

Apreciamos momentos y detalles tal y como son. Valoramos la naturalidad en la que suceden las cosas sin intervenir mucho. Una caricia, un abrazo, una mirada a los ojos seguido de una sonrisa de la persona que amas. Un beso. 

Y el recuerdo de ese día se quedará en tu mente para siempre, y con él, las promesas que hiciste. Las personas con las que bailaste y compartiste ese día de tu vida. 

Ese día con quien habrás pasado momentos que solamente se repetirán una vez más cuando presiones el botón de play. Y el video de tu boda no solo existirá en tu mente como memoria sino como una prueba tangible del amor que se tienen.

Nos encantan las cosas naturales. Es por eso que no nos verás dirigiendo, alzando la voz o tomando mucho lugar. Tratamos de ser lo más discreto posible. Quizá intervengamos en pequeños detalles inherentes a la estética. Pero los momentos, esos son tuyos. Nosotros solo los capturaremos para presentártelos después.

Our style is intrinsic to our introverted personality.

We appreciate moments and details as they are. We value the naturalness in which things happen without much intervention. A caress, a hug, a look in the eyes followed by a smile from the person you love. A kiss.

The memory of that day will stay in your mind forever, and with it, the promises you made. The people with whom you danced and shared that day of your life.

That day with whom you will have share moments that will only be repeated once more when you press the play button. And the video of your wedding will not only exist in your mind as a memory but as a tangible proof of the love that you have.

We love natural things. That's why you won't see us directing, raising our voice, or taking too much place. We try to be as discreet as possible. Perhaps we take part in small details inherent in aesthetics. But yours are the moments. We will only capture them to present to you later.


We consider ourselves a loving couple. We believe love is always the way because we live it day by day in our relationship. We believe in long term relationships and corny as it might sounds, we know communication is the key. Respect. Empathy. Self improvement. This extra mile effort for the other. To care and to take care. The thousands of little invisible things that makes a relationship work. Attention to the details as our type of personality. Understanding our way to articulate our feelings. To be there for the other.

We realize that is exactly how we need to treat our couples.

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