Sex, Desire, Fear and Love

Sex, Desire, Fear and Love

We are based on the interpretation of fear and how we have different readings about sex, desire and love.

You fear is that I'm able to talk about it because it's something already done with us. So fear at maximum.

Questions :

Why if she felt uncomfortable she never told me anything to me in the first place. She needed to play the victim in order to take care the only thing left she had... Her reputation.

Because in the way it looks like... Playing the victim. Is that she need to tell you that was her needed to stop me... When actually she looks really IN on the conversations. Why someone would keep pushing topics when someone looks so uncomfortable and awkward. That is favorable in the victim point of view, because talking with someone who is pushing the conversation is weird.

Why she never told you the good things?. Because to skip the favorable things, is not favorable for playing the victim. She could look more vulnerable because the only topic is the bad things. There is nothing good to put in balance.

Why she never told you that we have the same type of conversations as if you are there. For me seems normal. But to play the victim she need to skip those things. So we never talk like that alone. So it looks weird already... (Like she never tell you when she propose to see us when you are not there)

I don't catch her intentions. I can imagine that she didn't get what she wanted. Now she feel the need to clean her intentions behind her... In order to be clean and don't end like the bad one.

So, we are dealing with feelings and emotions. We can track some conversations but we forget the context. One who allow us to touch those grownds.

How to expand the universe.

When she didn't "found" the conversation... She add a piece of information. She told you. Maybe in the disappearing conversations we use to have. What are the implications here? That we use to chat several times there? So there is a full range of things that happened there. When in reality, the only text exchanges we had was when I was showing her how to use it, how it works. (what a difference)

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