How to calculate the IMPOT and TAXES to Pay in Québec and Canada (my personal notes)

Resumen of how to see how much I need to pay for Impôt and Taxes. Go below to check the information with more detail.

Más información aquí: https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/citizens/self-employed-persons/your-obligations/

* * * 

1. You addition all your income (all invoices that you give to your clients). That will be your total income.

2. You have to pay Impôt to Québec (15%) and you have to pay Impôt to Canada -federal- (15%). You calculate this from your total income. That will be your Subtotal Impôt (30%).

3.- You addition all your taxes collected from your total income (from all the invoices you give to your clients)

4.- From your (1) total income, you subtract the (2) Subtotal Impôt and the Credit d'impôt (3,802.35) (check here)

The result pour capoter ta vie :P

* * *

And the rest is part of the research I needed to do to kind of understand what I need to be aware to have always in my bank account at the end of the year to be able to pay to the government the 30% plus the taxes, for making money.

What is the minimum income to file taxes in 2019 in Canada?

For 2019, every taxpayer can earn taxable income of $12,069. This was increased by indexation to $12,298 for 2020.Dec 12, 2019
Non-refundable tax credits

All taxpayers can claim a basic non-refundable tax credit for their income tax, known as the personal amount. It is adjusted annually to allow for inflation and other factors. 

In 2019, the personal amount for federal taxes was $12,069 and 

the personal amount for Quebec taxes was $15,269.

Pour l'année d'imposition 2019, le crédit personnel de base fédéral est de 12 069 $, auquel on applique un taux de 15 % pour une valeur maximale de 1 810 $. 

So if you live in Québec this is the number you need to use AS your federal crédit d'impôt.

Pour un particulier québécois, en raison de l'abattement pour les résidents du Québec, la valeur maximale du crédit personnel de base fédéral est 1 512 $.

Tax brackets and rates

Canadian federal personal income tax is calculated based on taxable income, then non-refundable tax credits are deducted to determine the net amount payable.  For 2019, every taxpayer can earn taxable income of $12,069.  This was increased by indexation to $12,298 for 2020.  However, on December 9, 2019, the federal government presented legislative proposals that would provide an additional amount of BPA for 2020 and later years for the basic personal amount (BPA), spousal amount and eligible dependant amount.  See the article on the basic personal amount for details.  All legislative proposals are subject to parliamentary approval.

The basic personal tax credit is calculated by multiplying the tax rate for the lowest tax bracket by the basic personal amount.  The 2019 tax credit is 15% x $12,069 = $1,810. For 2020 the tax credit for those with incomes up to $150,473 will be $13,229 x 15% = $1,984.35.  This is $139.65 more than the tax credit before the legislative increases.

Provincial or territorial income taxes are paid in addition to the federal taxes, based on where the taxpayer resides on December 31 of the tax year.  All provinces and territories except Quebec use the taxable income amount calculated for federal tax purposes, and then apply their own income tax rates.  All provinces and territories have most of the same tax credits as the federal tax credits, but usually in different amounts.  The provincial or territorial tax rate for the lowest tax bracket is used to calculate the tax amount of most of the provincial tax credit.  Quebec is the only province which does not use their lowest tax bracket to calculate most personal tax credits.

To see the combined federal and provincial/territorial tax rates, see the tables of Personal Income Tax Rates.  These tables also include the marginal tax rates for capital gains, and both types of Canadian dividends.  The federal and provincial or territorial personal amount is also shown, and the rate used to calculate non-refundable tax credits.

To determine your taxes payable, use our Personal Income Tax Calculators.

See our Personal Income Tax page for links to tables of personal income tax rates and personal tax credits for all provinces and territories.

For links to the latest tax return forms on the Canada Agency (CRA) website, and information on filing your tax return, see our Filing Your Return page.

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How much money do you have to make to 'not to pay' taxes in canada?


Standard deduction amounts

In 2020 for example, single taxpayers and married taxpayers who file separate returns can claim a $12,400 standard deduction. Married couples filing jointly can claim an amount that's twice as large, $24,800, and taxpayers filing as "head of household" (single individuals with dependents) can claim a standard deduction of $18,650.

next from here

In 2020, you don't need to file a tax return if all of the following are true for you:

  • Under age 65
  • Single
  • Don't have any special circumstances that require you to file (like self-employment income)
  • Earn less than $12,400 (which is the 2020 standard deduction for a single taxpayer)

Students are not exempt from filing either. If your 20-year-old child is an entrepreneur who made over $3,500 (after expenses) running a small business last summer, they must file an income tax return even if they’re still in school. All working children should file a tax return as soon as they start earning income.

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STEP BY STEP (update 2021)

If I order the spends by category I have as follow. Helps me as a guide to get the Factures/Invoices that represents my spends.











  • UBER















Every spend have a % of deduction.


Direct Spends do we deduct the taxes? Or just the subtotal.


Meeting, repas, déplacement, Matériel, équipement, location c’est déductible à 100%

Internet c’est déductible à 75%

Hydro c’est déductible à ??%

Telephone c’est déductible à 95%

Step 1. Add all the TPS of each categories. (Same with TVQ)

Step 2. Calcul the deduction according to the percentage of each category.

Step 2.5 Addition all the columns of TPS and TVQ of the categories.

Step 3. Addition all the invoices I give to clients to create a 4 columns totals (Subtotal, TPS, TVQ, Total) in the category income.

Step 4. Addition all the direct spends to get the subtotal (before taxes).

Step 5. Rest to the Subtotal of Income, the Subtotal of Direct Spends to get Fournitures (chiffre d’affaires)

Step 6. Take out the taxes spend from the taxes charge (to the clients). From the total TPS and total TVQ (income category), subtract the total TPS and total TVQ from all the spends (2.5)


Structure to write a blog post

Since the origin of this blog, I feel I never really write in a structured way at all. 

I was only to express my feelings. But I'm learning that even if I want to express my "artistic feelings" and "perceptions" of the world and leave a record here... I would want to do it in a structured way. 

The benefit seems to be just obvious now. Education will just enhance no matter what I want to do. 

Let's start.

And by the way, because I love to mention the sources... all this comes from here.


What is the structure of a blog post?

  1. Come up with a working title.
  2. Write an intro (and make it captivating).
  3. Organize your content in an outline.
  4. Write your blog post!
  5. Proofread and edit your post.
  6. Featured Image
  7. Visual Appearance
  8. Topics and Tags
  9. Insert a CTA.

Well, and that is supposed the main points I retain from reading the blog from my source. 



Receta de la mamá de mi amiga Andrea.


Andrea Cabrera Luna

Por supuesto mira aquí te va de rápido pero no muy accurate las porciones porque mi mamá estaba en el teléfono cuando le llamé para que me diera la receta. 

Fries la cebolla,
a mí me fue suficiente con una grandota, 

con varios ajos
yo creo que le puse unos 6 o 7, los fries en mucho aceite de olivo del bueno, suficiente para que rebosen y ya que está dorada la cebolla 

le echas orégano, tomillo y laurel y vinagre,
hoy probé ponerle del famoso vinagre de manzana el que se llama Bragg que es orgánico, pero supongo que cualquier vinagre de manzana de buena calidad será apropiado, yo le eché como 

unos 50ml de vinagre, mi mamá me dijo que no hay que echarle demasiado 

y agua,
como unos 50ml pero ahí vas viendo si le hace falta un poco más. 

La fríeguita es hacer los chiles jalapeños (hice 16) porque se queman en una rejilla (como los poblanos) y luego se ponen en una bolsa para que “suden”, yo me olvidé de ellos y después me costó mucho trabajo quitarles el pellejo, te recomiendo que lo hagas luego luego que suden y los despellejes en el chorro de agua, cuidado con las manos yo lo hice sin guantes y después me ardieron horrible las manos y tuve que ponerme alcohol. 

Los rellenas de puro atún que hayas secado y ya 

colocas tus cebollas abajo y arriba los chiles y trata de que queden en el jugo para que se sepan al vinagrito, 

si los haces avísame cómo te quedaron o si tienes duda escríbeme. Son buenísimos Astrid Amescua un abrazo y felices fiestas!!!

List of Catchy Headlines or Articles Titles that you hate because you want to click

 This is a list of those Catchy Headlines that I hate because I want to click and I know I shoudn't because I Know is all about the Catchy Headlines... but they just plant the question-seed of doubt in my mind... I want to know. I want to click.


3 Google Photos Alternatives

3 Google Photos Alternatives

So now you know and you are looking for free-ish options?. Let's get to the point.

1.- I found Dubox that gives you 1TB free.

2.- Yandex.Disk is another option.

This one looks like you get unlimited storage for photos from your phone. Maybe not for other sources but but all those photos you take from your phone. 

3.- Do you know Mega.nz

This gives you also a nice 50GB of free storage. 

Do you know any other option? Let me know in the comment section ! 
