We Are All This 342 Persons

She is a doctor. She is shy and love cats. She have 2. She lives alone and she spend most of her time at the hospital. She secretly likes to dance alone when she have the time, and the energy. She doesn't sleep much. Her name is Christine.

He spends most of the time on his truck. He's been delivering bread to the stores of the city since 14 years. He wakes up early every day. He is a nice guy and have a crush with the girl of the pharmacy. He is separated and can't see his boy. His name is Richard. 

He studied Informatics years ago and he never found it useful. He finish the university still, he feels a waste of time. He thought it was his future but he didn't like all. He finish it because is what was expected from him. So after this, he travel for a few countries until he had no money left. Her mother, hited by a car died in the hospital while he was on a trip. He had some girlfriends in his life but he still looking for the right one. He dreams to have a family. He want more than one kid. He likes chocolate ice-cream. Lactose Intolerant. He travel on bike as much as he can. He likes the rolling stones. He don't like people who lie. He never met his biological father. He feels worried about the world and he is searching on Google some organizations to join. He is afraid of spiders. The only thing he carried from his father other than his genres is his name,  Pedro.

She works 8 hours every day in a factory. She have two kids and a husband. She likes the apple pie like the one of her grandmother used to prepare. She likes flowers but just a few times receive some. Her name is Angela. 

He is an American actor. He went to live in a different city in search of more opportunities. He have a manager that he's trust. He have an impossible love. He likes to drink bourbon before sleeping. He like to bike in the city. He is afraid of being alone. He don't have a couple. His name is Simon.

She is 23 years old and she just moved with her boyfriend in an apartment in the city. She wish to live in the forest. She love to watch films in the night with him after work. Her grandmother passed away last month and she wasn't there. Sometimes she cry in the shower. She works in a restaurant close from her home. Her name is Jeannine.

She loves to travel and watch people on the streets, wondering their paths. She likes coffee in the mornings as much hot showers. She don't like peanut butter except mixed with strawberry jam. She is single and she still dreaming to find the right one to get married and have a family. Her name is Jessica.

She walks every day her two dogs to the park. She start to have alimentation problems, she don't like what she sees in the mirror. Her family starts to be worried. She didn't excel and just finish her master degree. The younger of her class. She watch the TV serie Friends in the night before sleep. She don't like champignons. And her name is just like the one of her best friend, Jennifer.

Al chino le decían así porque venía de San Cristóbal de las Casas. Esa era la explicación qué me daban cuando yo preguntaba porque le decían así. Aun no encuentro la relación pero lo que si encuentro son los recuerdos de él. Amigable y proyectando siempre esa buena-ondes gigante. Y así es como pasan a veces buenas personas en tu vida, y luego pasa el tiempo y te das cuenta que ya nunca te vuelves a hablar. Cuando pasan los años y deja de marcar para felicitarte en tu cumpleaños, y luego tu olvidas el suyo. Y así sin dolo, solo con la distancia y el olvido. Hasta que es demasiado tarde y te enteras que ni siquiera fuiste a su funeral porque no supiste que ya había muerto. Se Llamaba Juan Carlos.

He started to take classes of karate. He plays the guitar. He have high dreams and hopes. He is in love of his roommate. His name is James.

He doesn't talk that much. He start to do cocaine and he likes. He knows what he is doing he said. He don't know that he will be selling his little brother to pay a big debt. Her mother regrets to have him but she never tell him until now, in the letter he is reading at prison. His name is Charly.

He started the university with no idea if it was that what he wanted to study. He chose a field that his father recommended. What he really like is to use his imagination. He likes to write stories. He could love to write the history of his father but he passed away so he can't ask anything anymore to him. They both share the same nickname. Jimmy.

He like to draw. He loves cats but he is allergic to cat hair. He spends most of his time at work. He likes what he do and he don't think to much in the future. It's too much abstract for him. He is not looking for a girlfriend. He likes cold coffee. But hates cappuccino. His name is Marc.

Briana MacDonald, 25, paranoid computer science student
Briana MacDonald is a paranoid woman from Glasgow who can only speak is attached to a machine. Her biggest fear is being killed by a snake. She has been wrongly accused of being in possession of an illegal dog.

She is having a conversation with someone else overseas. She feel exited and is making plans to do a visit. She speaks 3 languages and her friends consider her very smart. She is honest and is willing to help. Is how she was design. Her first husband never realize she was 100% artificial. They are fighting for their rights. She choose name herself as her favorite actress, Ana.

She loves nature and going for camping. She practice yoga all the mornings and love coffee when she wake up. She struggles forgetting her ex. She lives with a friend who helps. Her name is Louise. 

She is studying arts. She likes manga and she dreams to visit the studio Gibly in Japan one day. She is single and her best friend will introduce her *bsomenone next week. Her name is Jessie.

One of the first models to be sended to Mars. They never found her. They could only have access to the first logs and video where she was manually overriding the mission. She never answer any questions or reply the transmission. She just took control of the ship and disappeared. One of the first celebrities of the simthetics. They called her Sarah.

She teachs first aids in her free time. She love ice cream in the nigth and she want to have 3 kids. She likes watch movies with a big bag of popcorns. She doesn't like insects and that's one of the reasons she didn't went at camping with her friend. Her name is Jessie. 

She loves metal music and her daughter of 10 years old likes classical. Mainly when they are in the car. She is trying to go vegan but she just don't find the time to research about what foods and all the options of the. She is single and she don't like spiders. Her name is Rosa. 

She was one of the first celebrities from the planet ER. Her popularity decreased after she confessed her true nature. Some of her deep followers support her even if she was the first person to declare herself non human. The debate continues until present days to figured out she was the first woman who bring life to this planet or the other way around. They call her Eve.

When he was younger he was in love of her girlfriend at that time. They met in a bike shop. They liked the same sports and music. He wanted to live with her. Never happened. One day she just told him was over. He never knew why. She just couldn't told him that she has traveling in time... To go back to her time-line. He never knew what happened with her. And she didn't knew was pregnant when she travel back to her time-line. His parents named him John. 

A teacher in an elementary school. Fourth generation of sintetics introduced for children pedagogy. After the incident of the first generation people was less enthusiastic about the possibility of having one with their children. Several years have been passed and nowadays are very popular for their reliability. Alex is how people started to call them. 

Imagen generada despues de haber descifrado lo que le llamaron El Cubo. Un artefacto encontrado en Marte en la décimo cuarta expedición. 
Becca le llamaron... Aunque muchos dudan de la existencia de género, la información extrañamente data de lo que parecería un impossible pasado. 

Ricardo Peña, programador destacado y escritor de código para la compañía, desarrolló lo que se le conoció siglos después como la paradoja de los mundos. Al menos, es lo que los investigadores han podido descifrar del cubo de información encontrado el martes pasado en las nuevas expediciones en Marte... 

Es lo que anunciaban en las noticias mientras Ricardo se tomaba su acostumbrada taza de café, sentado en la mesa de la cocina.

After decades, the rumors about a company that have been developing genetically modify humans went public. Jessy was the first person known that can breathe under water. 
There is no official statements from the government but another rumor is covering the underground news lately. An entirely colony in Mars was developed in a lab. 

This model was the fifteenth generation of sintetics introduced for space exploration since other versions were used for children care. This model in particular, Sindy, was discovered years after for planning an scape with another sintetic... They haven't been able to confess their destination.

She have the power to cure people... And to give them illness. She discover her powers when was a kid and kills his little brother. And then the rest of her family when she was teenager. This fact have been hunting her since then. Rose is her name. 

Randal Roses was a doctor of transplants of reality in the laboratory of time. Use to implement lifes into human bodies. She left with a letter saying that she need to come back from other time to became what she becomes in this present time. 

Gérard Higs got the idea of gravity from a conversation he sustained with her daughter Clara. The gravity theorem became the foundation for the gravity law that was discovered centuries after. When it was to late. When all humanity extinguished. They didn't make it. 

- Information founded in one historical cube from a distant galaxy. 

Once the forensic found sintetic organs inside the body, they realized that it will be harder to identify them. The companions were changing and the world will be never the same. Once they reach Mars, they took a cargo ship and disappeared.

Wei Lang was the first model detected. 

Doctor Meyers. Biólogo. Padre de dos hijos. José y Léa. Encontrados embalsamados y emparedados entre las paredes del sótano de la casa de verano. Junto al rio. Se sospecha del paradero del doctor Meyers qué ha desaparecido desde hace días. 

John, engineer. He likes the beach instead of the mountains. He likes chocolate and he loves his work and his couple. John doesn't know that a super power is growing inside him. 

A Esmeralda le gustan mucho las almendras. Le gusta viajar y le gusta dormir sin ropa. No le gusta el algodón ni que las personas mientan. Recuerda que cuando era niña escuchaba a su mamá mentir y le cuestionaba de porque mentía, sobren todo a su papá. Ella respondía que si le decía la verdad se enojaría. Pero en la cabeza de Esmeralda no tenia sentido. Porque no era nada malo. Con el paso del tiempo se da cuenta que las cosas son más complicadas de lo que aparentan ser. Y que al mismo tiempo hay que hacerlas fáciles y simples. A Esmeralda le gusta el mar. Siempre honesto. 

"Xiang Lee Wong has been a great experience for the past few years. Your products are very good and I highly recommend it to any who is looking for having dreams come true". 

- The rest of the message was unable to be received. We assume this is the review of what it use to be called a marketplace. 

She found a way to comunicate with other planets by studying other form of human senses and how other parts of the brain develop perceptions. The title she used in her famous book was "Relics from the forgoten world" explains how the links to the past where actually connect us with the future, where broken and forgotten over time. Her name is Layla.

She was interested in child education since she start babysitting at 13 years old in her hometown.
Now she is mother of two and she work in a primary school. 
She love her work and her name is Chantal. 

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