Phrases Anthony Robbins

When you do what you love to do, you become persistent and harder to stop.

It's not the conditions who shape your destiny... it's your decisions.

It's the moment of decisions when your destiny is shape.

Little decisions can change our life.

The decision you took to go in a place to meet what it's now your husband or wife.

The decision of what you put on your plate every night will shape your body and your destiny.

If you want to be happy, study happiness, if you want to be wealthy, study that, if you want to be healthy, study how to be healthier.

People who is happy is not because they are lucky, they ate doing something.

All of us have 6 human needs;

Personal needs

1. We need certainty. Think in those things who really matter for you.
2. We need uncertainty. if you are certainty for a while you get tired, you get bored, we need variety, we need change, to feel alive. Variety is the spice of life.
Certainty ------ Variety

3. We need significance. The need to feel unique, special, important.
4. We need connection and love.
Significance ------ Love and Connection

Spirit Needs

5. We need Growth. We need to grow in order to be happy.
6. We need Contribution. Fulfillment is when we do things for others.
Growth ------ Contribution

In order to find our blue print we need to answer the question, what is life about? And what have to happen in order for that occur.

What people will do is very different of what people can do.

The road of someday bring you to the town of nowhere.

Everybody is driven by two forces;
1- The need to avoid pain
2- The desire to gain pleasure

So, the controlling force of our life, is what we link pain and what we link pleasure to.

Advertisers are aware of this, if we a are going to get people into take action, to use their power to buy things, we need to get them into associate pleasurable feelings to our product, or showing them how they can eliminate some pain that they already have by buying our product.

We will do more to avoid pain, that we will ever do to gain pleasure.

If you found yourself don't doing something, is just because you associate more pain doing it than not doing it.

Wherever change you want to happen, make sure you link it with a tons of pleasure.

Goal settings
We don't understand totally how it works, there's something beyond from what we understand of just writing something down, something happens. You become a creator when you write down goals and you get clear why you make them happen.

Purpose is stronger that outcome.

Don't get real, get intelligent. Because what is real to you today it's based on your past.

You got to get goals big enough to drive you, to excite you, so don't stop in how to do it, that is not the first step, the first step is get it down.

Establish goals two times a year. Check them every month and the highest goals, everyday.

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