How you do a Proposal and what are the costs for a Video Production

How you do a Proposal and what are the costs for a Video Production

1. Pre-Production (all the time will take you to plan everything)

2. Production (Where you include the fee of all people and equipment, you can do it by day in case you need several days and easier to understand for clients... they don't need to know technicalities)

3. Post-Production. That depends of how many cuts you will do per minute. As a read "a milk producer farm" will be anything around 5 cuts to 25 cuts per minute (5:1-25:1, depends on the intended style) So let's say you will do 10 cuts per finished minute 10:1... and take you 5 minutes per cut..., well... 10cuts x 15min=150cuts, 150 x 5min = 750min., 750min/60= 12.5 hours will take you to edit. 

Just multiply this for your hourly rate (usually 45 for an editor, 75-100 as self-employed)

You're welcome.

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