3er Ojo - Camino a la niebla (Lyric video)

3er Ojo - Camino a la niebla (Lyric video)

Camino a la Niebla

Despiértame de este sueño que me entorpece,
Alma de miel no te conformes con un mequetrefe,
Alma de miel no te conformes con un mequetrefe!

Mis células se estremecen cuando te acercas
Ya estás aquí veo tu corona…divina reina.
Alma de miel no te conformes con un mequetrefe.

Coro (x2)
Mis células se estremecen cuando te acercas
Ya estás aquí veo tu corona…divina reina.
Alma de miel no te conformes con un mequetrefe.
Ya estás aquí veo tu corona…divina reina
Con tus Flores perfectas…voy camino a la niebla...

Video aspect ratio, 1:2121

Credit videos:

Author: Andrew Arthur Breese
Author webpage: https://vimeo.com/user2673276
Licence: ATTRIBUTION LICENSE 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/)
Downloaded at Mazwai.com

Author: benjamin wu
Author webpage: https://vimeo.com/benwutw
Licence: ATTRIBUTION LICENSE 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/)
Downloaded at Mazwai.com

Author: Grand theory Author webpage: https://vimeo.com/grandtheory
Licence: ATTRIBUTION LICENSE 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/)
Downloaded at Mazwai.com

Author: Bart van der Gaag
Author webpage: https://vimeo.com/sweden
Licence: ATTRIBUTION LICENSE 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/)
Downloaded at Mazwai.com

3er ojo, camino a la niebla, lyric video, puebla, original music, rock en español, rock mexicano


Paredes abrazadas

Paredes abrazadas

Porque las promesas se cumplen, aprendí
Y abrazo el despido, pero no tu memoria
Palabras que se quedan en la frontera labial
Me asusta que no todos sintamos igual

Porque percibo ilusión en donde no hay
Y abrazo mis abrazos de papel
Palabras que me dejan sin flotar
Me asusta el intermitente un mar

Paredes abrazadas a los pies
para no sentirme solo
para desatarme de la hoguera
para desahogarme de la sal

Permanent Resident Card and Citizenship in Canada

So my Permanent Resident card (PR) is about to expire in Canada. I apply for my Citizenship here and I'm waiting the answer. Time pass and now my PR card is expire and I question myself if can I travel while I'm waiting for my Citizenship answer since I apply for it. Doing a bit of research I found that basically...

  • The Permanent Resident Card is just a proof of my status.
  • The Permanent Residen Card in Canada acts like a travel document. 
  • If my Permanent Residen Card expires, I don't loose my status.
  • My card don't need to be valid, but acts as travel document, as a passport will be necessary to enter the country.
  • It cost around 50$ CAD
  • Citizenship and the Permanent Residen Card are two different process. 

So in resumen, you should renew your Permanent Resident Card while you are inside Canada. Is way much easier.