Plasma Media - Manifesto EN/SP

Plasma Media - Manifesto EN/SP

We believe the best way to communicate is telling a story that can provoke emotions. Because we believe emotions is the way we communicate.
Creemos que la mejor manera de comunicar es contando una historia que provoque emociones. Porque creemos que las emociones es la forma en la que nos comunicamos.
We believe everyone have a story to tell.
Creemos que todos tienen una historia que contar.
We believe video is the best way to tell a history.
Creemos que video es la mejor manera de contar una historia.
We believe that video should serve to help and inspire.
Creemos en que el video debe servir para ayudar e inspirar.
We believe that science and technology should serve for progress.
Creemos en que la ciencia y la tecnología debe servir para progresar.
We believe in a communication with emotions.
Creemos en una comunicación con emociones.
We believe in sharing emotions through video.
Creemos en compartir emociones a través del video.
We believe in connection with people.
Creemos en conexiones con personas.
We believe that we all share the same feelings.
Creemos en que todos compartimos los mismos sentimientos.
We believe in transparency and trust.
Creemos en la transparencia y en la verdad.
We believe that emotions unleash actions.
Creemos en que las emociones desencadenan acciones.
We believe that actions shape destiny.
Creemos en que las acciones dan forma al destino.
We believe that inspiration is everywhere.
Creemos en que la inspiración está en todas partes.
We believe that creativity is everywhere.
Creemos en que la creatividad está en todas partes.
We believe in the emotional impact of a musical piece.
Creemos en el impacto emocional de una pieza musical.
We believe music is 50% as important as the video (and sometimes more).
Creemos en que la música es 50% tan importante como el video (y aveces más).
We believe there is the right tool for the right job.
Creemos en que hay la herramienta adecuada para cada trabajo.
We believe repetition is the mother of skill.
Creemos en que la repetición es la madre de la habilidad.
We believe creativity is a muscle. Use it or lose it.
Creemos en que la creatividad es un músculo. Úsalo o piérdelo.
We believe in contribution.
Creemos en la contribución.
We believe in movement is life.
Creemos que el movimiento es vida.
We believe progress brings happiness.
Creemos en que el progreso trae felicidad.
We believe that there is six basic emotions that we should use to tell a history: Anger, Fear, Surprise, Disgust, Happiness and Sadness.
Creemos en que hay seis emociones básicas que debemos usar para contar una historia: Enojo, Miedo, Sorpresa, Asco, Felicidad y Tristeza.

Plasma Media
Current research breaks emotional triggers into two main actions post-viewing: sharing and buying. While your specific goal may sit along a spectrum somewhere between building awareness and converting qualified leads, these two categories of emotional impact will get you well on your way.

The science of storytelling

Different emotions need different amounts of time to build. For example, to build empathy needs a two-minute video. Surprise or making people laugh on the other hand can be achieved in 30-seconds.

“So understanding the emotions you want to evoke in your audience can determine the format, the length of your video, and understanding the emotion you want to evoke will also impact on the call to action you are going to give them,” says Fournier.

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