A letter for my one

Words can't express what I feel right now.

I'm looking at the grown from above. Everything looks so small and so great at the same time.

I'm leaving now and I recognize this is my home. My place. And I feel greatful because you are part of this land. And living this life with you is just amazing, I can't articulate it and you know why.

I love you so much and you are my whole universe. This love I feel for you seems indescriptible. You bring so much meaning into my life. I can only appreciate every little detail that you do for me, and sometime just by being yourself. Makes me feel I want to give back.

This is something I'm greatful with life. To somehow let us find ourselves thru each other. Thank you for exist. To be willing to learn with me all the time, to learn about this life, kids, univers, future, and past. To learn about ourselves, to understand the world where we live in. To fit and to contribute accordingly. To fulfill our needs. To take care. To change the world for the better... One kid at a time... Starting to change ourselves.

I love to live in this world with you. And I want to give more. And I want we do it together.

I'm expecting with this trip to open my brain again. To look back just a bit in order to be able to create a brightly future.

Let's rock babe. This is the time. This is the moment.

I so so love you my one, my sun, my mapple girl.
Je t'aime. Te amo.

Plane Montréal to Mexico 2018

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