Creativity is everywhere in Montreal (Test #1)

Creativity is everywhere
Creativity is everywhere

Creativity is everywhere in Montreal (Test #1)

Like exercise, sometimes we need to push the muscle of creativity, and the more you push the more it grows. So we have just an idea and at the end it turns to be very cool and we have a lot of great time doing it.

What you see is the final result, but what is really funny is when you realize all the people who pass by and look at you with curiosity of what we are doing.

Marie-Eve is holding her hand to the camera, and then I took photo after photo. -Okay- I said, and both of us, we move one more step, we try to be in the same position of the last photo, move the cap a little bit (did you notice in the video the cap is rotating in Marie-Eve’s head?). -Okay- I said again after taking the photo and we move again. I mean, the way back home was way much longer but somehow richer. We exercise our creative muscle, we have funny couple-time. I learn what I need to do with the test number 2.

Probably will sound little bit corny, but sometimes you just have to do it. Like exercise.

We do a lot of this type of videos and photos, but they never see the light… but we’ve changed our mind. Let’s share them, why not.

Thanks for watching. This is the test number 1 of this idea, let’s see what bring us the test number 2!

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