I'm still a Wave

I'm Still a Wave
music&lyrics: cainKuri

I feel the same like every day
The wave that's always in between
I always feel like yesterday
It's not the same underneath your skin

You know you'll not here every day
It's on your own If you want to blame
The air that separate me from your wave
I feel the same like, yesterday

The construction
Air that we breath it's everywhere
Air that we wave is just a wave
Wave separate we're still a wave
We're a wave but we're still away

Eat me, eat me
This is the way
Et me, eat me
If you dare to live (to love)
Eat me, eat me
Can you hear me ?
Eat me, eat me

This is the way you can take it
This is the way you can live
The way I can live... (into you)

Waves, the wave you create
Wave, I want to keep you safe
At the end, i was for you, another wave

Waves, keeps you away
Keeps you safe
Close your senses
Dive in me, far away

Waves, there's more waves
I'm a dry wave
But I'm still a wave

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