Estaba buscando la letra de una canción que me gustó mucho mucho mucho hace mucho mucho mucho tiempo.
La busqué en el LimeWire y en algunos intentos fallidos... la he encontrado. Y la letra:
I’m coming back to you
Just like before.
I’ve been a lonely boy
Since I walked out your door.
If there’s a life for us,
I don’t know.
But I can’t live like this
The time I spend alone has nothing to give.
It’s repetition,
I’m coming back to you.
The only thing I can do.
I’m coming back to you,
This time to stay.
If I’ve learned one thing
It’s that I can’t stay away.
The time I spend alone has nothing to give.
The life I lead alone has nowhere to live.
It’s repetition,
I’m coming back to you.
The only thing I can do.
And I can still recall
How you would hold me.
The way a vast wave
Broke so slowly.
It’s repetition,
I’m coming back to you.
The only thing I can do.
And we can see this through.
It’s repetition,
I’m coming back to you.
BSO - Information Society - Repetition
1 comment:
a mi me gusta la cancion de Pure Energy, que ochenteros que somos!!!
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